GBV, OTC Contribute Songs to DQ Soundtrack

What's a brazier, anyway?

Dean Quixote, a new film from the producer of Swingers, may not inspire a McDonald's Happy Meal, but its soundtrack will feature a laundry list of indie pop stalwarts that'll perk up the ears of even the most disaffected of liberal arts majors with an Elephant 6 jones. The likes of Guided by Voices, The Apples in Stereo, Olivia Tremor Control, the Minders, Beachwood Sparks, Bettie Serveert, and "others"-- which can only mean a reunited Beatles-- will contribute songs. Says someone associated with picking the music for the movie, "You wouldn't know it to look at what's popular today, but there's a lot of great music being made. You won't find them on commercial radio, mounting stadium tours, or making millions, but great bands are out there just the same, making great music and doing it for love." Significantly, such an observation has never been made at any point during the tortuous history of American popular song. Look for Dean Quixote at a theater near you. It's not about giant, flesh-eating rabbits. Tracklist:

Beachwood Sparks: "What It Feels Like"
Bettie Serveert: "Co-Coward"
Guided by Voices: "If We Wait"
Minders: "Our Man in Bombay"
Apples in Stereo: "What Happened Then"
Olivia Tremor Control: "Jumping Fences"
Bevis Frond: "You Wouldn't If You Knew"
Orchestra Fantastique: "Stars on the Sea"
Songs: Ohia: "Hot Black Silk"
Rebar: "Legalize it" (Peter Tosh cover)
Spink: "New Partner" (Palace cover)

Posted by Derek Fahnestock on Tue, Oct 30, 2001 at 1:00am