Robert Smith to Record Solo Album

If James Iha can do it...

Robert Smith is finally alone. Sure, he's always been alone in that "insert any song title from Disintegration" sort of way, but this time it's different. For over a year, Smith has been planning a solo album, but was forced to put his plans on hold to work on the Cure's recently released Greatest Hits, which includes two new songs and acoustic versions of all of their hits-- and that meant studio and promotion time for Smith.

With that out of the way, he says he'll finally begin recording his first solo album. With the holidays right around the corner, it looks like recording won't begin until January or February, but he apparently doesn't mind waiting just that much longer. "It's alright," he recently said, though the words were tough to make out through his thick, mournful accent. "I mean, I just wanted to do it. I wanted to enjoy the making of it-- the process of making it-- as much as the idea of getting it finished and getting it out there. So I'm not that bothered, really. I'll just pick it up again after Christmas." Yeah, so, he's pissed.

Posted by Meredith Levin on Tue, Nov 27, 2001 at 1:00am