Black Dice To Tour at September's End

First emo group to use band name "September's End" owes us big time

[Posted Wednesday, September 17th, 2003 18:00:00 Pitchfork Central Time]

The Fat Cat Records mailing list has announced that Black Dice will be playing a few dates in seemingly far-flung locales at the end of the month, confirming my suspicion that their music is weird enough to bend the laws of space and time and grant them the power of teleportation. The Providence, RI noise coterie has abandoned the no-wave art-punk of their early recordings on their latest, Beaches and Canyons, which layers sheets of processed guitar and percussion in cascading, sibilant waves: more Godspeed You! Black Dice than Black Dice #13. Their shows have the potential to be either brief blasts of abrasively condensed aural catastrophe, or long and spiraling adventures in avant-psychedelia-- and sometimes, impossibly, both at once. Either way, you'll come out of it feeling like someone slipped you a mickey and made sweet, awful love to your tender brain. Black Dice will be sharing several of the dates with Wolf Eyes, scary-ass noise punk maniacs from Michigan, and Blood on the Wall, who'll be spraying their NY City electro-venom all over the front rows. The dates and shit:

09-23 Cincinatti, OH - Southgate House (w/ Wolf Eyes)
09-24 Chicago, IL - Empty Bottle (Wire Magazine festival w/ Wolf Eyes and Boom Bip)
09-25 Detroit, MI - Magic Stick
09-26 London, Ontario - No Music Festival
09-28 Montreal, Quebec - La Sala Rosa (w/ Wolf Eyes)
09-29 Boston, MA - TT the Bears (w/ Blood on the Wall)
09-30 Northampton, MA - Iron Horse (w/ Blood on the Wall)

Posted by Brian Howe on Tue, Sep 16, 2003 at 12:00am