Badly Drawn Boy Gets Minimal On New LP; Touring In November

Reduced to Rorschach blot in most recent 8x10 glossy

[Posted Friday, October 3rd, 2003 04:00:00 Pitchfork Central Time]

We haven't had much to say about Badly Drawn Boy recently here on the Pitchfork newswire. This just doesn't seem fair. I mean, for chrissakes, we report every time Interpol takes a whiz, but we can't even find space to let our fair readers know that the poorly executed one recently started work on a new album due out March 2004?

It's true: Badly Drawn Boy (aka Damon Gough) is currently planning his follow-up to Have You Fed The Fish?. Gough told New Musical Express the new record will be "very sparse-- minimal instruments. With just drums, bass, piano, and vocals it sounds hard. Even with just piano they're really hard-sounding songs. It's unique for me." Sparse? Minimal? Maybe some of you fear that Gough might be for'Gough'ing (where's my rimshot, motherfucker?) his trademark brasses, strings, and other fancy-shmancy musicalia (not a real word). Quoth Gough: "It's a bit darker, a bit less writing about relationships and more about abstract things." Like philosophy?

Our Boy is also planning a tour or two in his near future. He started with a recent headlining spot on a benefit concert for the Peace One Day organization, along with Faithless and Lamb and other bands I've never heard of before, and now he's added fourteen November dates for the abstract minimalist in you:

11-01 Northampton, MA - Iron Horse
11-02 Burlington, VT - Higher Ground
11-03 Rochester, NY - Water Street
11-04 Albany, NY - The Egg
11-06 Baltimore, MD - Recher
11-07 Washington, D.C. - 9:30 Club
11-09 New York, NY - Bowery Ballroom
11-11 Cleveland, OH - Grog Shop
11-12 Chicago, IL - Park West
11-13 Nashville, TN - Belcourt
11-14 Ashville, GA - Orange Peel
11-15 Athens, GA - 40 Watt
11-17 Austin, TX - Mercury
11-18 Dallas, TX - Gypsy Tea Room

Posted by Jeremy C. Baron on Fri, Oct 3, 2003 at 12:00am