The Thermals Tour, And That's A Good Thing

Weather Channel sponsoring team-up with Hot Hot Heat and Long Winters

[Updated Tuesday, October 7th, 2003 21:45:00 Pitchfork Central Time]

If any of you are feeling lost after being thrust into a turbulent post-Zwan era, keep this in mind-- you've still got The Thermals. Portland's very own bantamweight-superstar band (Hutch Harris and Kathy Foster from folk-pop duo Hutch and Kathy, and Jordan Hudson representing Operacyle) is here to help.

With some catchy melodies, the attention of Death Cab's Ben Gibbard, Sub Pop, and a few names to drop (despite their grain of obscurity), The Thermals have climbed the indie ladder to attract a fan base comparable to that of their original groups. So if you grieve with a Zwan-shaped hole, a lengthy and intense U.S. tour (along with Mates of State) is scheduled to silence your woes. The dates:

10-07 Portland, OR - Meow Meow
10-09 San Francisco, CA - Bottom of the Hill
10-10 Los Gatos, CA - The Outhouse
10-11 West Hollywood, CA - Troubadour
10-12 Tucson, AZ - Club Congress
10-13 Albuquerque, NM - Launch Pad
10-15 Oklahoma City, OK - Conservatory
10-16 Columbia, MO - Shattered
10-17 Lawrence, KS - Bottleneck
10-18 St. Louis, MO - Rocket Bar
10-19 Lexington, KY - Mecca
10-20 Columbus, OH - Little Brothers
10-21 Washington, D.C. - Door
10-22 Baltimore, MD - Talking Head
10-25 New York, NY - Bowery Ballroom
10-27 Cleveland, OH - Beachland Ballroom
10-28 Indianapolis, IN - Radio Radio
10-29 North Manchester, IN - The Firehouse
11-01 Milwaukee, WI - Cactus Bar
11-04 Denver, CO - Larimer Lounge
11-05 Salt Lake City, UT - Kilby Court Gallery

Posted by Micah C. Harding on Tue, Oct 7, 2003 at 12:00am