Beta Band Get Mixed By Nigel Godrich; New Album In February

Alpha Band still mom's favorite

[Posted Tuesday, November 4th, 2003 04:00:00 Pitchfork Central Time]

After receiving near-universal acclaim for their debut and sophomore releases, The Beta Band and Hot Shots II, The Beta Band holds the world in suspense (and if not the world, at least the hearts of introverted electronica geeks everywhere) about their third full-length release. And just like the follow up to any great thing (the can opener to the can, the cart to the horse, and the Internet to porn), it must expand upon the previous subject while introducing and utilizing new aspects of its advanced form. All right, enough of that 11th grade term paper bullshit, here's the perts: Nigel Godrich, the prodigious whiz behind the latest albums from Beck and Radiohead, is mixing the upcoming record, which is almost complete.

The album doesn't even have a name or even a label at this point, though the group hopes to release it in February 2004. Beta Band frontman Steve Mason explains on the group's website: "Me and Rich (Greentree) went down at the weekend to see what he's doing to our LP and its all good! Looks like 12 tracks will go on the record out of the 17 we recorded. Mixing will be done in two weeks and the LP will be out in February. It has taken a long fucking time I know, we feel it too! But we ain't been lazy!" And you thought Billy Corgan liked to be in control.

Further on the Beta Band horizon: the band announced that they are compiling a DVD to accompany the 2004 release, possibly utilizing some of the music that doesn't make it onto the full-length. Solo projects are blooming as well, with Mason's King Biscuit more than half way done with their next album and others on the way from Greentree and drummer/percussionist Robin Jones.

Posted by Micah C. Harding on Tue, Nov 4, 2003 at 1:00am