Trail of Dead Start Recording New Album, Plan Exhaustive November Tour of Texas

"Honey, can Oliver Stone direct our wedding video?"

[Posted Monday, November 10th, 2003 03:00:00 Pitchfork Central Time]

Ever the rambunctious youths and perfect-10 catcher's mitts, ...And You Will Know Us By the Trail of Dead will shortly be embarking on a trans-county tour through the wide state of Texas. Though the spoonful of shows will span but three sequential nights of bombastic revelry, all ye enjoyers of things that sound good may rest assured that the band isn't playing the anti-Interpol because it's the hottest fall fashion.

According to rep Christian Bernhardt, Trail Of Dead are hard at work on a follow-up to 2002's Source Tags & Codes, which landed at #3 on our best-of-2002 list, and got one heck of a favorable review to boot. Though much of the record is shrouded in mystery, Bernhardt expects it to be released by early 2004. It will be the band's second album for major label Interscope, and their fourth full-length overall. In the meantime, you can tide yourself over by catching the Trail at one of the following Texan dates:

11-13 Austin, TX - Smirnoff Party
11-14 San Marcos, TX - Lucy's on the Square
11-15 Dallas, TX - Trees

On a more surprising note, Bernhardt also revealed to us that singer/guitarist Conrad Keely has become engaged to Oscar-winning actress Juliette Lewis (who split from her husband of four years, professional skater Steve Berra, back in April of this year). Trail of Dead, Natural Born Killer, makes sense to us. Though Lewis has starred in movies such as Cape Fear, The Basketball Diaries, What's Eating Gilbert Grape and The Other Sister, she is often best remembered for her role alongside Boy Meets World's Ben Savage in the early '90s sitcom "A Family for Joe." Don't tell me you don't remember the 1990 NBC sitcom in which four loveable scamps take in a homeless (and slumming, obviously) Robert Mitchum and try to pass him off as their grandfather to avoid the foster care system?

In addition to tapping that indie rock booty, Ms. Lewis has also had a little musical experience of her own. You might remember the actress covering some angry PJ Harvey rants in the post-apocalyptic thriller Strange Days. Well, now in the post-apocalyptic strange days of the present, Lewis is fronting an aggro band of her own, Juliette Lewis and the Licks (both things we enjoy!). The group is reported to have a very dirty '80s rock sound, citing Joan Jett, Van Halen, and Pat Benatar as key influences. The fact that Lewis has taken to performing in a yellow spandex jumpsuit cannot be understated. Should you reside in the West Hollywood area, you can catch Lewis and her band, oh, I don't know... HERE:

11-12 West Hollywood, CA - Viper Room

.: Juliette Lewis and the Licks: here

Posted by Joshua Sharp on Mon, Nov 10, 2003 at 1:00am