
The Impossible Shapes Tour U.S.
Join Badly Drawn Boy, Secret Square in intense disdain for A Perfect Circle

Okay, you polygonal goons: now's your chance to line up in any sort of irregular formation to catch Bloomington, IN's own Chris Barth, Aaron Deer, Peter King, and Jason Groth, otherwise known as The Impossible Shapes. The band is currently touring in support of last year's Tobin Sprout/'70s southern-fried hybrid We Like It Wild. What's more, you can catch the Shapes at this year's SXSW as part of Secretly Canadian's showcase, where they'll be featured along with the likes of Scout Niblett, Bro. Danielson, Swearing At Motorists, and Maneshevitz. L'Chaim!

02-23 Pittsburgh, PA - The Eye
02-24 Baltimore, MD - Talking Head
02-25 Washington, D.C. - Warehouse Nextdoor
02-26 Philadelphia, PA - Doc Watson's
02-27 New York, NY - Knitting Factory Tap Room
02-28 Easthampton, MA - Flywheel
03-05 Bloomington, IN - WIUS
03-05 Bloomington, IN - Second Story
03-19 Austin, TX - Buffalo Billiards (SXSW Secretly Canadian/Sound Familyre showcase)

Thu: 04-03-08 Wed: 04-02-08 Tue: 04-01-08 Mon: 03-31-08 Fri: 03-28-08 Thu: 03-27-08 Wed: 03-26-08 Tue: 03-25-08 Mon: 03-24-08 Fri: 03-21-08 Thu: 03-20-08 Wed: 03-19-08 Tue: 03-18-08 Mon: 03-17-08 Sat: 03-15-08 Fri: 03-14-08 Thu: 03-13-08 Wed: 03-12-08 Tue: 03-11-08 Mon: 03-10-08 Fri: 03-07-08 Thu: 03-06-08 Wed: 03-05-08