
Frank Black's Solo Pixies Reworkings Delayed; Band Tells Own Story in New Biography
SpinArt reps warily watch fax machine for update

Ryan Schreiber and Micah C. Harding report:
Just prior to the great Pixies reunion, Frank Black had been at work compiling a two-disc set called Frank Black Francis, but with the band booked solid on a tour currently scheduled to take them through the end of 2004, the release has been put on the backburner. Though originally scheduled for a spring release, SpinArt Records, the label slated to release Frank Black Francis, have been unable to pin Black down on a definite street date, and suspect that the record could be delayed until fall-- and possibly longer.

The first of Frank Black Francis' two discs is said to feature Black reworking Pixies classics with all new arrangements, with help from an experimental duo known as Two Pale Boys. Known for their work with Pere Ubu frontman David Thomas, Two Pale Boys features Andy Diagram, who plays trumpet through radio receivers and operates echo machines, and Keith Moliné, who manipulates sound with a MIDI-based guitar setup. Indeed, the recordings (some of which have leaked to filesharing networks) have Two Pale Boys doing just that, while Frank plays guitar and croons the classics. Presently, little is known of the second disc, although sources close to the label confirm that it is likely to compile Black's early pre-Pixies solo demos.

The good news is, every other remotely Pixies-related item and production is coming along as planned. And 4AD's Wave of Mutilation: The Best of the Pixies compilation and newly released Pixies DVD are just the tip of the iceburg:

For the past three years, writer Josh Frank has been conducting interviews with members of the Pixies and their affiliates, compiling an archive of material that he's poured into his musical Teenager of the Year: The Frank Black Musical, which is set to premiere this September in New York City. Additionally, along with Spin writer Caryn Ganz, he's compiled a book that represents the Pixies' legend as told by band members themselves, as well as their friends, family and acquaintances. It also features the comments of such Pixies followers as Thom Yorke, David Bowie, Bono, PJ Harvey, and Dave Grohl.

Translating the title of the Pixies' final album, Frank and Ganz are calling the book Fool the World: An Oral History of the Pixies. The title also parallels a similar biography, Legs McNeil's classic Please Kill Me: The Uncensored Oral History of Punk, and is reportedly told in a similar fashion, relying more heavily on quotes than authorial narrative. As Frank and Ganz are still in talks with potential publishers, no definitive date has been set for Fool the World's release, but they're hoping to have it on shelves in time for Christmas.

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