Panthers Hit the Road Next Month

Panthers vocalist Jayson Green takes his band and their 2004 Vice album Things Are Strange on the road next month for a jaunt that includes two SXSW shows. Magma and Downcast enthusiasts in the flyover states will thrill to the band's prog-psych-hardcore hullabaloo:

03-12 Washington, DC - Warehouse Next Door #
03-13 Cincinnati, OH - Alchemize #
03-14 Atlanta, GA - Drunken Unicorn #
03-15 New Orleans, LA - One Eyed Jacks #
03-16 Houston, TX - The Proletariat #
03-17 Austin, TX - Blender Bar
03-19 Austin, TX - Flamingo Cantina #
03-20 Tulsa, OK - The Boulder
03-21 St. Louis, MO - Lemp Neighborhood Arts Center
03-22 Chicago, IL - Open End Gallery
03-23 Detroit, MI - Lager House
03-24 Pittsburgh, PA - Modern Formations

# with Turing Machine

* Pitchfork Review: Panthers: Things Are Strange
* Panthers:

Posted by Jason Toon on Fri, Feb 25, 2005 at 1:00am