
Murder City Devils to Release DVD

It's been awhile since we've heard anything from those down-and-out Seattle punks, the Murder City Devils. Fear not, MCD lovers, they didn't slit their wrists with that broken bottle they've been singing about for years--they've moved on to other projects (mostly Pretty Girls Make Graves). In fact, frontman Spencer Moody is just about to go on tour alongside the boys from Modest Mouse with his latest project titled, ahem, get ready: Triumph of Lethargy Skinned Alive to Death, a band created with friend and colleague Corey Brewer (Bright Shiny Objects).

Here are the dates for that, with more to come:

06-22 New York, NY - HELPLESS Record Release Show
06-23 Northampton, MA - The Pines Amphitheater
06-25 Portland, ME - The State Theater
06-26 Montreal, Quebec - Court Central @ Stade Uniprix
06-27 Toronto, Ontario - Olympic Island
06-28 London, Ontario - TBA

As for those of you who care less about the Triumph of Lethargy and more about what the hell happened to MCD, they are releasing a DVD titled Balls to the Wall, oh wait, no, it's titled Rock & Roll Won't Wait, documenting the Devils' tour days. Coming out on SoGeneric Pictures. The film, like MCD, isn't exactly new was released on VHS in 2001 when the band initially parted ways, and was also an official selection of the Seattle Film Festival that same year. It is, however, the first time you will be able to play it on a DVD player or a laptop. Yay! The 60-minute film, directed by James Bazan and Jeff Baker, features scenes from the "Broken Bottles, Empty Hearts" tour, various interviews and backstage shots.

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