Sleater-Kinney Cancel European Tour

With the days growing increasingly cooler and ragweed season wrapping up, we figured allergies were over and done with for the year. Well, to assume is to make an ass of u and me, as Sleater-Kinney singer/guitarist Carrie Brownstein's allergies have caused the cancellation of her band's upcoming European tour, which was expected to launch on November 8 in Brighton, England. Brownstein has had two extreme allergic reactions recently, both causing trips to the ER... and not the George Clooney version.

A statement on Sleater-Kinney's website explained, "Her doctor has advised that she not travel/tour for prolonged periods of time until the condition stabilizes and further tests are conducted." Uh oh.

According to, Sleater-Kinney are aiming to reschedule the tour dates for Spring 2006 because, as previously reported, they'll be in the UK curating one day of the All Tomorrow's Parties festival. Until then, we regretfully advise Brownstein to stay out of the woods-- those pine needles can send any nose running. Zing!

Cancelled dates:

11-08 Brighton, England - Concorde 2
11-09 Bristol, England - Fleece
11-10 Nottingham, England - Rescue Rooms
11-11 Glasgow, Scotland - Oran Mor
11-12 Leeds, England - Cockpit
11-14 Paris, France - Nouveau Casino
11-15 Cologne, Germany - Gebaude 9
11-16 Hamburg, Germany - Knust
11-17 Berlin, Germany - Maria
11-19 Barcelona, Spain - Apolo
11-20 Madrid, Spain - Arena

Posted by Kati Llewellyn on Tue, Oct 25, 2005 at 12:00am