
No-Neck Blues Band Sign with 5RC, Announce Tour

Throughout a career characterized by strange noise reflections and a mysterious refusal to acknowledge much of the outside world, NYC's No-Neck Blues Band (or NNCK) has been almost unmatchable in following a singular creative path towards cottage-industry utopia. All petulant attempts to remain nameless and shapeless notwithstanding, Kill Rock Stars' eclectic offshoot 5 Rue Christine confirms that it will be putting out a new NNCK album called Qvaris on November 8.

As is the No-Neck way, 5RC received a communiqué from the band explaining in part (well, kinda) the deal reached with 5RC and their upcoming album release:

"What began in exploration has for some time been an act of depiction, and as NNCK this has been recognized. Through the practice of what we have termed Intonomancy we have come upon QVARIS. And coming as it does from the overlapping unseen worlds it occupies with such clarity, we have chosen to treat it as a message, one that would be best served by its widespread dissemination. As you read, this has begun to happen, courtesy of 5RC. Allowing for the onset of The Doon, QVARIS begins to be heard..."

Right, of course. The next wave of intoxicating NNCK uneasiness is coming November 8 and here are the songs:

01 The Doon
02 Live Your Myth in Grease
03 The Black Pope
04 Qvaris Theme
05 The Caterpillar Heart
06 Qvaris Theme (Loplop Hearing Qvaris)
07 Boreal Gluts
08 Dark Equus
09 Qvaris Theme (Wohihb)
10 Lugnagall
11 Vaticon Blue (Theme End)

An actual tour is booked too, as opposed to the off-the-cuff performances to which NNCK are accustomed. No-Neck live shows in the past normally just "happen", either as open-air rooftop gigs, gallery shows, annual Orthodox Easter appearances around NYC, or weekly music and performance art gatherings at their Hint House haunt. So, an organized booked tour for the 8-piece is something of a rarity and should be treated as you going to one of the following shows:

11-03 Pittsburgh, PA - Carnegie Mellon University
11-04 Cleveland, OH - Beechland Tavern
11-05 Oberlin, OH - Oberlin University
11-06 Chicago, IL - Empty Bottle
11-07 Detroit, MI - Majestic Theater
11-08 Toronto, Ontario - Music Gallery
11-09 Montréal, Québec - Blue Skies
11-10 New York, NY - Knitting Factory
11-17 Philadelphia, PA - TBA
12-01 Los Angeles, CA - TBA
12-02 San Francisco, CA - Bottom of the Hill
12-04 Santa Cruz, CA - The Attic
12-07 Portland, OR - Berbati's Pan
12-08 Olympia, WA - TBA
12-09 Seattle, WA - TBA

Thu: 04-03-08 Wed: 04-02-08 Tue: 04-01-08 Mon: 03-31-08 Fri: 03-28-08 Thu: 03-27-08 Wed: 03-26-08 Tue: 03-25-08 Mon: 03-24-08 Fri: 03-21-08 Thu: 03-20-08 Wed: 03-19-08 Tue: 03-18-08 Mon: 03-17-08 Sat: 03-15-08 Fri: 03-14-08 Thu: 03-13-08 Wed: 03-12-08 Tue: 03-11-08 Mon: 03-10-08 Fri: 03-07-08 Thu: 03-06-08 Wed: 03-05-08