Kurt Cobain Immortalized/Desecrated as Action Figure

Kurt Cobain Immortalized/Desecrated as Action Figure

What's that, coming down the conveyer belt en masse, amid the hordes of hobbits, Hellraisers, and Jack Sparrows??  It couldn't be...good god, it is!

It's Kurt Cobain, resurrected in stunning action figure format!

Once merely a household name, Cobain will become a household item this June when National Entertainment Collectibles Association (NECA) unleashes the very first KC action figure.  This charming piece of plastic resin captures the late Nirvana frontman mid-power chord, donning the very get-up he made famous in the "Smells Like Teen Spirit" video.  Dude even comes with a chunk of high-school-gym-floor as a base; skanked-out cheerleaders sold separately.

Ex-grungers-turned-office-stiffs of the world, rejoice!  Now this titan of alternative music can duke it out with Ghostface and that Borg chick atop your monitor.  Oh yes.

And if that isn't enough to make you cry, ugly rumors are swirling about of late, rumors that Cobain's widow Courtney Love is attempting to sell a 25% stake in Nirvana's catalog for $100,000,000 to...drumroll please...a "private equity firm" partnered with U2's Bono!  Please let that not be true. Please, lord, please.

Posted by Matthew Solarski on Thu, Mar 30, 2006 at 1:00am