Video: S-K's Carrie Brownstein Interviews Hussein

Video: S-K's Carrie Brownstein Interviews Hussein

As of Saturday, Sleater-Kinney is over, but Carrie Brownstein already has her next career lined up. Introducing herself as Cindy Overton in this YouTube clip from the mysterious "Boink!" cable access show (seriously, if you have any info on this, let us know), Brownstein begins her beat with a bang by interviewing former Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein.

In the clip, Brownstein and Hussein (who may or may not be Fred Armisen with a fake beard) sit down at the latter's Manhattan studio to talk guitars, selling out, and the purity of those good old days when the dictator would give speeches to just 50 people and world domination was only a pipe dream. Hussein also explains, in his amiable British (who knew?) accent, his revolutionary weight-loss program. "It's called being a vegan," he says. You learn something new every day.

Posted by Dave Maher on Mon, Aug 14, 2006 at 11:09am