Girl Talk's Night Ripper Dissected

Girl Talk's Night Ripper Dissected

A magician doesn't reveal his tricks, and neither does a DJ. But that hasn't stopped an enterprising fan from listing as many of the samples on Girl Talk's Night Ripper as he/she could find in a Wikipedia entry on the popular mash-up album.

The entry comes with the disclaimer that it is “an incomplete list”, but there are at least four and up to 17 samples listed for each song, making it pretty close to definitive. In true wiki spirit, the entry also calls for additions and corrections, and the end of the album seems to be missing the most info at this point. So if you know the sample that opens “Double Pump”, get your edit on.

Gregg Gillis, we know your number! Or at least your record collection.

Posted by Dave Maher on Mon, Aug 21, 2006 at 11:46am