Stones Throw, Adult Swim Want to Make You a Cartoon

Stones Throw, Adult Swim Want to Make You a Cartoon

It’s no chrome statue, but it’s a start. Sure, you know all about the Chrome Children compilation Stones Throw is releasing in collaboration with Adult Swim. Well, Adult Swim plans to create animated videos for three of the songs on the compilation: Madvillain's "Monkey Suite", Madlib's "Take It Back”, and J Dilla's "Nothing Like This".

And if you pre-order the comp from certain online outlits before September 1, you will be automatically entered into a contest to have your likeness drawn into one of those three videos.

Yes, you too can be a talking milkshake, meatwad, or, more likely, a schlubby guy in a dirty undershirt.

Turntable Lab, Fat Beats, Giant Peach,, Hiphopsite, Sandboxautomatic, and UGHH can give you the hook-up. Number one on the internet, G!

Posted by Dave Maher on Tue, Aug 22, 2006 at 1:20pm