Thom Yorke Promises Live Radiohead DVD

"It will come out eventually," says Yorke in BBC interview
Thom Yorke Promises Live Radiohead DVD Those who haven't quite recovered from June's Bonnaroo Festival, those who want to relive it again and again, and those who missed it altogether, take heart: Thom Yorke sayeth a Radiohead DVD documenting that festival's practically legendary two-and-a-half-hour live performance is nigh.

Well, not exactly nigh. Here's what Yorke had to say in a recent BBC 6 Music interview with Tom Robinson, quoted at Radiohead mega-fansite

"We did this festival called Bonnaroo. We did 2.5 hours. And there's 80,000 people, admittedly they've been smoking the sticky green all day-- probably wouldn't go anywhere anyway. It was just amazing. We played loads of new stuff. We did whole sections of quiet piano songs and it sounds like the most grotesque, self-indulgent nonsense, but it probably is my favourite gig for years and years and years. It was a really mellow evening. Actually it's all being filmed, but we're sitting on it because there's loads of new stuff on it. Because we're mean like that. It will come out eventually."

Unless Thom himself has been smoking the sticky green stuff, it seems we'll have a Radiohead live DVD on our hands in the months (or years?) to come. And if it's a faithful document of the marathon Bonnaroo set, the tracklist will look something like this.

01 There There
02 2+2=5
03 15 Step
04 Arpeggi
05 Exit Music
06 Kid A
07 Dollars and Cents
08 Videotape
09 No Surprises
10 Paranoid Android
11 The Gloaming
12 The National Anthem
13 Climbing Up the Walls
14 Nude
15 Street Spirit
16 The Bends
17 Myxomatosis
18 How to Disappear Completely

First Encore:

19 You And Whose Army?
20 Pyramid Song
21 Like Spinning Plates
22 Fake Plastic Trees
23 Bodysnatchers
24 Lucky
25 Idioteque
26 Karma Police

Second Encore:

27 House of Cards
28 Everything in Its Right Place

Thom's certainly a fan of the Bonnaroo, remarking in a recent interview with Pitchfork: "When we played Bonnaroo we got such a nice vibe, a genuine good feeling from the first beat. Things like Bonnaroo give you the hope that you can do it the other way...I dream to take some of that vibe and take it around the country...and then Clear Channel trying to fucking shut the gate down."

Posted by Matthew Solarski on Mon, Aug 28, 2006 at 2:25pm