
Video: TV on the Radio on the TV

TV on the Radio Quick! Check out this live video of "wonderful rock and roll band" TV on the Radio performing "Wolf Like Me" this week on CBS's "Late Show with David Letterman". Do it before the evil suits tear it down, because heaven forbid something promoting their television program and the Interscope release Return to Cookie Mountain gets into the hands of the youth demographic! Take David's word, not only is this "nice" and "great," it's also "cool."

But seriously, TVotR really nail it, particularly for a late show gig. These things usually tend to be about as exciting as watching pinned butterflies, but vocalist Tunde Adebimpe smashes the glass casing, yelping and flailing like a man possessed by the moon. Probably perturbed a camera man or two hopping around all willy-nilly like that, but hey, that's rock and roll.

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