Video: Emily Haines & the Soft Skeleton: "Doctor Blind"

Video: Emily Haines & the Soft Skeleton: "Doctor Blind" Metric frontgal Emily Haines wanders the aisles of the most depressing department store in North America in this video for "Doctor Blind", from her Soft Skeleton-assisted solo debut, Knives Don't Have Your Back (set to arrive September 26 in the U.S. via Last Gang Records). Here she sports a bland, beige-ish thrift store T, which-- perhaps not coincidentally-- nearly matches the album's bland, beige-ish cover (itself an homage to that of Escalator Over the Hill, the landmark jazz album by Carla Bley and Emily's late father, Paul Haines).

When Haines approaches the pharmacy, things take a turn for the surreal, as some soft-skeleton'd store patrons line up for a game of human dominoes-- seriously. The piece very aptly rides the woozy hues of Haines' tune to paint a fairly haunting abstract portrait of the pill-popper's universe. It's an eerie one alright.
Posted by Matthew Solarski on Mon, Sep 18, 2006 at 3:20pm