Video: Zak Sally Champions Tool on ABC News

"They're quite popular, but not in a Kelly Clarkson sort of way"
Video: Zak Sally Champions Tool on ABC News

Since Zak Sally abandoned his bass-playing duties for Low, he's been keeping busy as a graphic artist, a publisher...and a TV news reporter?

Sally himself sent us the link to this clip from ABC's "World News With Charles Gibson", in which he reports on the awesomeness of the band Tool. I repeat: the guy who used to play bass in Low was apparently on national network television explaining why Tool rules.

We're not sure if this segment actually aired, or if it's an online-only thing, but hey, if Mike Patton can make it onto "All My Children", anything's possible.

Sally seems to be translating his love for Tool into a blossoming journalism career, as he recently wrote a piece for the Village Voice about them as well.

But wait! It seems that Tool guitarist Adam Jones wrote the introduction to a book by Nate Denver, published by Sally's company, La Mano 21. Conflict of interest alert!

Posted by Amy Phillips on Thu, Sep 21, 2006 at 11:08am