Animal Collective's Geologist, Bishop Allen Play DAM!

Plus Bound Stems, Dirty on Purpose, Early Day Miners
Animal Collective's Geologist, Bishop Allen Play DAM! In support of the DC music scene, the inaugural District's Awake! Music Festival will showcase a variety of national "buzz bands" and notable hometown acts (that aren't Fugazi) for three days of live music in our nation's capital.

The city-wide extravaganza takes place from October 26 through 28 and features artists such as Longwave, Travis Morrison, Geologist (of Animal Collective), Cloud Cult, Dirty on Purpose, Bishop Allen, Early Day Miners, Bound Stems, Decibully, Hopewell, the Oranges Band, and more. Organized by musicians, artists, promoters, writers, web-publishers, venue owners, and entrepreneurs, the DAM! event is similar to San Francisco's Noise Pop Festival and Pop Montreal in its goal, politically speaking, which is to increase the city's visibility on the national music radar.

Of the DAM! Festival, President Bush commented, "I like damn music. So long as it brings about freedom and liberty."

(OK, kidding. But W does have his jams.)
Posted by Laura Pearson on Mon, Sep 25, 2006 at 1:46pm