Mount Eerie Tours With Calvin Johnson, Karl Blau

And: D+, Jason Anderson, Adrian Orange (Thanksgiving), Woelv
Mount Eerie Tours With Calvin Johnson, Karl Blau Beginning tomorrow night, Mount Eerie will move across plains, through cities, and onto college campuses near you. The nature loving-Phil Elverum-- long-time proprietor of the Mount Eerie/Microphones moniker-- joins some Pacific Northwest, K Records pals for another extensive tour of the U.S.

Traveling from Fargo to Providence to Sacramento to Sarasota with Elverum are various combinations of Karl Blau, Jason Anderson, Elverum's wife Woelv, Adrian Orange (of Thanksgiving), and the venerable Calvin Johnson. Also on board for a string of dates: D+, the trio comprised of Elverum, Blau, and Bret Lunsford (Beat Happening).

Pack your wallet, because these folky folks always have loads of swag to sell, much of it limited edition, homemade, and quite charming.

Come and get yr Phil:

09-30 Fargo, ND - VFW Hall *
10-01 Duluth, MN - Duluth Art Institute (Lincoln Park Building) *
10-02 Minneapolis, MN - Triple Rock Social Club *
10-03 Madison, WI - Firecracker Studios *
10-04 Chicago, IL - South Union Arts *
10-05 Chicago, IL - University of Chicago (Hutch Commons Courtyard) *
10-06 Bloomington, IN - The Art Hospital *
10-07 Upland, IN - Taylor University *#+
10-08 Gambier, OH - Kenyon College *#+
10-09 Yellow Springs, OH - Antioch College *#+
10-10 Akron, OH - Musica *#+
10-11 New York, NY - Barnard College *#+&
10-12 Amherst, MA - Hampshire College (The Red Barn) *#+&
10-13 Wesleyan, CT - Wesleyan College, CT *#+&
10-14 Providence, Rhode Island - Rhode Island School of Design *#+&
10-16 Hartford, CT - Trinity College *#+
10-17 Brooklyn, NY - 3rd Ward *#+
10-18 Philadelphia, PA - First Unitarian Church *#+
10-19 Bronxville, NY - Sarah Lawrence College (The Basement) *#+
10-20 Charlottesville, VA - The Chapel *#+
10-21 Baltimore, MD - CopyCat *#+
10-31 Portland, OR - The Artistery ^%
11-01 Salem, OR - Ike Box ^
11-02 Oakland, CA - 21 Grand ^
11-04 Novato, CA - Fellowship Hall (afternoon show) ^
11-04 Sacramento, CA - Fool's Foundation ^
11-06 Provo, UT - Starry Night ^$
11-07 Spokane, WA - Whitworth College #+^
11-27 Jacksonville, FL - Moon Colony Razorblade (afternoon show) ^%
11-27 St. Augustine, FL - Café Eleven ^%
11-29 Orlando, FL - Stardust Coffee ^%
11-30 Fort Lauderdale, FL - Uncle Sam's ^%
12-01 Fort Myers, FL - Planetarium at Calusa Nature Center ^%
12-02 Sarasota, FL - New College ^%
12-07 Denton, TX - Rubber Gloves!
12-17 San Diego, CA - Che Cafe &!

* with Calvin Johnson
# with Karl Blau
+ with D+
& with Woelv
^ with Jason Anderson
$ with Grizzly Prospector
% with Adrian Orange
! with Thanksgiving

Posted by Laura Pearson on Fri, Sep 29, 2006 at 3:30pm