Stream: 36 New Songs on Ryan Adams Dot Com

Updated by witches!!
Stream: 36 New Songs on Ryan Adams Dot Com Awwwwwwshit. Look who put a bunch of new tunes on his website. Take a stroll down the substance-addled corridors of a very unique musical mind today by visiting Ryan Adams Dot Com, motherfucka.

If MC Adams' foray into low-budget rap last month left you cold-- or made you thirsty for more of the man's possibly brilliant brand of inanity-- you need to click here right now. On something called You Are the Audience..., Adams offers up no fewer than 36 new tracks, most of them well under a minute, and all of them pretty goddamn hilarious and/or insane.

You Are the Audience... is divided genre-wise roughly into thirds, the first comprised of high-speed, three-chord, tongue-in-cheek punk, the second tempering the punk vibes with corny-ass beats (likely from the same cheap beatbox as Adams' rap's backing track) and general weirdness, and the third an onslaught of whiskey-soaked country jams. Alas (or praise the lord, depending on your capacity to tolerate this guy), not much rapping here.

The whole thing is marinated in sound-bites, including plenty of cock-a-doodle-dooing, toilet flushing, gun noises, helicopter chatter, and Chuck Norris snippets, surrounding some choruses you'll not soon forget, including:

"Unicorns for sale!"

"Grim Reaper sandwich shop!"

"Fuck you Abraham Lincoln, I don't owe you shit!/ Monster Mash, Monster Mash Incorporated!"

"Blah blah blah blah [vomit noise]"

But it's the opening line of the final track says it all: "Drunk as a pile of fuck."
Posted by Matthew Solarski on Fri, Oct 13, 2006 at 10:15am