MP3: Exploding Hearts: "Shattered (You Left Me)"

MP3: Exploding Hearts: "Shattered (You Left Me)"

With the tragic deaths of band members Jeremy Gage (21), Adam Cox (23), and Matthew Fitzgerald (20) in a July 2003 automative accident, Exploding Hearts left us devastated. Now, Dirtnap Records will release the rarities disc Shattered, and we honestly couldn't be happier to have the band back in the news.

On the title track "Shattered (You Left Me)", the Hearts sing, "I know I've had you under my wheels for so long now / You're moving on." If you love something, set it free, right?

While it's not as instantly grabbing as the previously reported "Teenage Faces", it's a grower. Best part-- it closes with "I'm a loser, baby." Where have I heard that before?

Both Shattered and a vinyl reissue of the Exploding Hearts masterpiece Guitar Romantic will be released this Halloween on Dirtnap. The former will feature film footage from the band's last official show, which took place at San Francisco's Bottom of the Hill on July 17, 2003.

Posted by Kati Llewellyn on Thu, Oct 19, 2006 at 11:31am