Wooden Wand Predicts Lifespan of Your Indie Band

Wooden Wand Predicts Lifespan of Your Indie Band

Children, jobs, significant others, vegetarians, and members who are overly enthusiastic engineers: these are all things that will keep an indie band from reaching its maximum life expectancy, according to Wooden Wand-- aka James Toth, aka "JJT"-- in his recently penned "Indie Band Life-O-Meter", a Seventeen-style quiz for indie bands to determine how long they will last.

Yes, boredom is a powerful thing, as Toth can attest after being compelled to write this "on the long stretch of highway between the flatlands of the Midwest and the dramatic landscape of the Rocky Mountains," according to a press release. That's right, there is a press release for this questionably accurate quiz, not that accuracy is really the point. Those of you who don't score well, just remember: this is coming from Wooden Wand.

As previously reported, Wooden Wand is currently on a tour of the U.S. behind his recent Kill Rock Stars release, Second Attention. The tour will wrap up in November before he and his band play Thurston Moore's Nightmare Before Christmas edition of All Tomorrow's Parties.

Click for the chuckle-worthy full text of the quiz.

"INDIE BAND LIFE-O-METER by JJT: Your garden variety, moderately successful indie band lasts an average of five years. Chances are, if you're not already on Matador or Sub Pop, yours won't even last that long.

What will break your band up, you ask? Well, if it isn't the oft-cited 'creative differences,' or the excruciating tedium of touring the United States, it'll most likely have something to do with sex or drugs. It's anyone's guess, but don't wait for anyone to, because no one cares.

But let's give you and your band the benefit of the doubt. We'll start with a generous TEN YEARS and go from there, adding and subtracting as needed.

No cheating.

Start Now:

SUBTRACT ONE YEAR for any two people in the band who identify themselves as a couple, and TWO YEARS for each additional couple.

SUBTRACT THREE YEARS for any two people in the band who used to date, but now just glare at one another through bitter, stoned, accusing eyes from the rearview mirrors of rented minivans.

ADD ONE YEAR for anyone the band with access to their own studio who may actually know how to engineer. But...

SUBTRACT ONE YEAR if said member regularly writes sardonic, Comic Book Guy-caliber letters to Tape-Op and wishes Steve Albini produced Abbey Road.

SUBTRACT SIX MONTHS for anyone in the band who likes to listen to jazz when they drive.

SUBTRACT THREE MONTHS for every soundcheck that ends with someone using the 'F' word.

ADD ONE YEAR for each member who's been in a moderately successful indie band that's toured before, and knows to keep his expectations very, very low. But...

SUBTRACT SIX MONTHS if he is the schadenfreude type-- a bitter, jealous, shit-talking troll who's convinced he is a misunderstood genius because his previous band got dropped from Kindercore.

SUBTRACT ONE YEAR if someone in the band's uncle has in any way 'subsidized' the band by lending any money for a van, recording time, etc.

ADD ONE YEAR for every attractive girl in the band. Add six more months if she doesn't play bass.

ADD FIVE YEARS if someone in the band's dad is in ZZ Top, Santana, or any of the half-remembered bands on the Nuggets box.

SUBTRACT TWO YEARS for anyone in the band addicted to heroin. But...

ADD FIVE YEARS if he dies tragically between your first and second albums.

SUBTRACT THREE MONTHS for each vegetarian in the band who worries that the Waffle House hash browns are 'cooked with the meat spatulas.'

SUBTRACT TWO YEARS for anyone in the band who has a job back home that he or she is unwilling to leave.

SUBTRACT TWO YEARS for anyone in the band who has a spouse back home that he or she is unwilling to divorce.

SUBTRACT FIVE YEARS for each band member with any kids that he or she even gives the slightest shit about.

SUBTRACT TWO YEARS for every band member who cannot, will not, or should not drive.

ADD SIX MONTHS if you're traveling with your own soundman. But...

SUBTRACT THREE MONTHS if he frequently drinks himself mute and is currently facing statutory rape charges.


-20 years - 0 years: Consider yourself lucky. Walk-- don't run-- to the nearest technical institute and learn how to weld or something. Remember to thank me later when your deathbed is NOT a cot at the YMCA.

0 years - 5 years: Congratulations! You've managed to really make something of yourself: a blip on a radar that itself is less than a blip on the radar to most of the civilized western world. At least you can look forward to Casual Fridays.

5 years - 15 years: The odds seem to be in your favor, buckaroo. When your life eventually flashes before your eyes, you will be treated to a montage of drink tickets, Super 8 motel rooms, studio vending machines and an anonymous gaggle of surly soundmen all named Eric. Wowee zowee!

15 years or more: You are R.E.M. You probably took this test with a pen and paper. Kill yourself."


10-23 Albuquerque, NM - Atomic Cantina
10-25 Austin, TX - Red's Scoot Inn *#
10-26 Houston, TX - The Proletariat
10-27 New Orleans, LA - Eldon's Place
10-28 Nashville, TN - Ruby Green *
10-29 Knoxville, TN - The Pilot Light
10-30 Chapel Hill, NC - Nightlight ^
10-31 Washington, DC - Rock and Roll Hotel
11-01 Baltimore, MD - The Golden West
11-02 Philadelphia, PA - The Tritone
11-03 New York, NY - Mo Pitkin's (CMJ)
11-04 Brooklyn, NY - Uncle Paulie's (CMJ)
11-08 New York, NY - Knitting Factory $
11-09 Purchase, NY - SUNY Purchase (students only)
11-10 Harrisonburg, VA - James Madison University
11-11 Roanoke, VA - Static House
12-10 Somerset, England - Butlins Minehead (All Tomorrow's Parties)

* with Zodiac Mountain
# with Weird Weeds
^ with Davenport
$ with Charalambides

Posted by Dave Maher on Mon, Oct 23, 2006 at 5:00pm