Videos: Built to Spill and Jenny Lewis on "Pancake Mountain"

"That's doo doo!"
Videos: Built to Spill and Jenny Lewis on "Pancake Mountain"

Kids have it so good these days. Back when we were wee ones, the coolest music we were exposed to via children's television was reruns of John Denver on "The Muppet Show". But today's tots have "Pancake Mountain", the Washington, D.C.-based variety show that regularly features performances from our favorite bands. The Arcade Fire, Bright Eyes, Deerhoof, Fiery Furnaces, the Evens, the Go! Team, Ted Leo, Metric, M.I.A., Scissor Sisters, X, and the Flaming Lips are just a few of the acts who have guested on "Pancake Mountain".

Recently, two more leading lights joined that list, as Built to Spill taped an episode on October 9 at the 9:30 Club, and Jenny Lewis and the Watson Twins did the same on October 15. In the first clip, BTS' Doug Martsch is caught in an uncomfortable position when he's asked to advertise a sugary cereal; luckily, he's saved by an enormous bearded bald dude with the most mammoth earlobe stretchers I've ever seen in my life. Then the band plays "Big Dipper" as a crowd of kids of all ages dances gleefully around them.

Lewis and the Watson Twins shimmy in alluring shiny silver dresses (think of the children!) while singing a new song, "Fernando". A couple of their backing musicians are wearing animal costumes. The few kids that catch the camera's eye look bewildered.

Posted by Amy Phillips on Thu, Oct 26, 2006 at 1:06pm