CMJ Report: Tuesday [Marc Hogan]

The Rapture [Bowery Ballroom; 11 p.m.]

The Rapture
Photo by Brendan Reid.

Season's greetings from the Rapture's singer/bassist, Mattie Safer: "What's up, Halloweiners?" Other than statuesque rockstar frontman Luke Jenner's too-short skeleton costume pantlegs, he must've meant. Jenner's exposed ankles and the band's cute, playfully choreographed "Monster Mash" entrance added welcome unpretentiousness to a night of taut dance-rock, lofty vocal yowls, and costume-wearing indie kids who apparently still remembered learning how to dance. Newer songs like "The Devil" reached the spooks up in the rafters, but older favorites like "House of Jealous Lovers" and "Sister Savior" provoked the most frenzied funky-getting. Out of the races, and on till All Saints' Day.
Posted by Marc Hogan and Brendan Reid on Wed, Nov 1, 2006 at 4:25pm