Video Premiere: Tom Waits: "Lie to Me"

Video Premiere: Tom Waits: "Lie to Me"

In the new video for "Lie to Me", Tom Waits is hanging out in the backyard of a brokedown shack cluttered with stereo parts, a piano, a refrigerator, and a mean ol' dog. Honestly, would we expect Tom Waits to hang out anywhere else? The mall? A Lakers game?

The clip for the rockabilly-ish rave-up is composed of strips of still photographs strung together to look like Waits is dancing as he mugs and struts through the tune. It's what I imagine we all look like when we're air guitaring in front of the mirror, except he has a real guitar, and is in front of a camera, and is famous. The dog is not amused.

"Lie to Me" is from the forthcoming Waits three-disc set Orphans: Brawlers, Bawlers & Bastards, due out on Anti- on November 21. As previously reported, Waits will appear on "Late Night With David Letterman" and "The Daily Show" on November 27 and November 28, respectively.

Posted by Amy Phillips on Thu, Nov 9, 2006 at 6:15pm