Stream: Of Montreal: Hissing Fauna, Are You the Destroyer?

Stream: Of Montreal: Hissing Fauna, Are You the Destroyer? Kids! Get your AIM profiles, MySpace pages, and Facebook fields ready for a serious overhaul, because the new Of Montreal has nearly arrived, and it's percolating with enough Kevin Barnes potent quotables to reinvent your online persona a dozen times over. It's also quite awesome, fun, profound, melodic, disco-danceable, and available to stream in its entirety right now through Polyvinyl Records.

As previously reported, Hissing Fauna, Are You the Destroyer? lands January 23. Just think how rad you-- yes, you, WeezrDude285-- will seem with your profile decked out in lines like "We just want to emote till we're dead" and "Sometimes I wonder if you're mythologizing me/ Like I do you". And toss that SAT prep book out the window, Bl0cPrtyGrl69, as Barnes manages to weave both "emasculate" and "emaciate" into the opening lines of the very first track. Sick!

Truly though, Barnes is on fire here, serving up food for thought, melodies for humming, and grooves for bumpin' in equal measure. "Gronlandic Edit", with trippy vocals swooping in from odd altitudes, should offer solace to anyone questioning religion of late, while "Heimdalsgate Like a Promethean Curse" takes a fanciful look at the wily ways of our own wack minds. "She's a Rejector", meanwhile, has Kevin talking about (and deciding against, thankfully) hitting girls, and "The Past Is a Grotesque Animal" is just an insane, never-ending disco mega-jam. Shit! I'm excited.
Posted by Matthew Solarski on Wed, Nov 29, 2006 at 3:00pm