The Coup Accepting Donations After Crash

The Coup Accepting Donations After Crash

After canceling their remaining tour dates following a previously reported tour bus accident, the Coup is hard up.

Boots Riley posted a message on the group's MySpace page explaining their side of the incident and announcing the creation of a PayPal account where fans can donate money to the Coup in order to help alleviate the financial strain of losing their cash, equipment, and quite a few peripheral belongings.

Though Riley mentions in his message that Mr. Lif is in the process of setting up a similar arrangement, Mr. Lif has not yet released any information about such a possibility. The button to donate that Riley mentions in his message can be accessed by visiting the Coup's MySpace. Or simply send PayPal donations to

Riley's message can be read in full below.

"We lost everything in that crash and fire. We were packed to live and do shows on that bus for a month. Most of us had every stitch of clothing we owned on there. We lost clothes, computers, recording equipment, cameras, IDs, phones, keys to cars and homes. We lost cash. We lost all our damn instruments and equipment to perform with. We were and are happy to walk away with our lives. But now we're home. Most of the band touring with the Coup has kids, rent that won't quit, bills, and holiday expenses coming. We need money, because, like I said, the band doesn't have the tools that they make a living with. Not only did we lose cash and material things on the bus, but we also were depending on this tour for money to make it through. It may take a year for us to see any money from the insurance company. I have set up a PayPal account so people can make donations for the Coup. The money will be split between Me (Boots Riley), Silk E, Q, Steve Wyreman (guitar), and Riccol. Mr. Lif is setting one up on his site, and when I have that info, we'll let you know. There should be a button right below this that allows you to donate even without a PayPal account. If you have an account, ours is Thank you in advance to anyone who does this; this is a really crazy situation. I never thought I would be doing something like this. I also never thought that we would almost die like that. We're grateful for anything you can do.

Thank you, Boots Riley"

Posted by Dave Maher on Tue, Dec 12, 2006 at 3:19pm