Video: Girl Talk [New Year's Eve 2006-07, Chicago]

Video: Girl Talk [New Year's Eve 2006-07, Chicago] Girl Talk DJ/"not a DJ" Gregg Gillis stormed the grimy, punk-weathered stage at Chicago's legendary Empty Bottle venue Sunday night, ringing in the new year to an impossibly sold-out crowd: By the night of the event, the club's modest $25 tickets were selling on Craigslist for upwards of $250 a pop.

Inside the small, unassuming corner bar at Cortez and Western was a Chicago hipster "Soul Train" resurrection: 400 wasted party people, beat-thirsty and bug-eyed, knocking back straight whiskey and cutrate champagne, passing pizza boxes overhead, getting tangled in Christmas lights and ejected from the club. And Gillis-- lighting up sparklers on his laptop, gradually undressing, remashing Night Ripper faves with Daft Punk, Lil Wayne, and the latest Clipse clips, and celebrating his amazing year-- put in overtime, ensuring that everyone in the room had enough fun in the first hour of the new year to last them to 2008.

Posted by Ryan Schreiber on Tue, Jan 2, 2007 at 3:05pm