Thermals Tear Across North America

Thermals Tear Across North America Just in time for us folks up north to don our long underwear, the Thermals-- electrified Portland spunk-rock trio and creative force behind Pitchfork's 17th favorite album of 2006, The Body, the Blood, the Machine-- will take to the road beginning this February.

Hutch Harris and company have announced seven dates thus far, most in the Jesus-freaked U.S., one in comely Canada. Best of all: unlike last fall's jaunt that had our trusty Thermals playing second banana to Emomaha's Cursive and that band's black-haired, black-hearted minions, this little adventure has the hard-working Sub Pop trio headlining the smallish, dingy dives they were born to play, in front of the crowds they've been dying to sweat all over. And they'll be joined by Frenchkissers the Big Sleep for most dates. So come out, bring your friends, and for crissakes people, move around!

Here's something to get yr motors running: "2007 is gonna kick major ass!" exclaimed Thermals bassist Kathy Foster in a recent MySpace post. "Let's make it GREAT, ok?! we're gonna start it off right by working on new songs in january and february before leaving for tour. get your juices flowing too! don't put off what you wanna do any longer." Chew on that, kiddies.

Everything Thermals:

02-21 Seattle, WA - Chop Suey
02-22 Vancouver, British Columbia - Media Club
02-27 Minneapolis, MN - Triple Rock Social Club *
02-28 Chicago, IL - Subterranean *
03-01 Cleveland, OH - Beachland Ballroom *
03-02 Washington, DC - Black Cat *
03-04 New York, NY - Bowery Ballroom *
04-07 Visalia, CA - Howie and Son's

* with the Big Sleep
Posted by Matthew Solarski on Tue, Jan 2, 2007 at 4:05pm