Video: ...And You Will Know Us by the Trail of Dead: "Naked Sun"

Video: ...And You Will Know Us by the Trail of Dead: "Naked Sun" He might not be the most chipper chap in chipsville, but it's good to know Conrad Keely and his ...And You Will Know Us by the Trail of Dead cronies still have a sense of humor. The Cat Solen-directed (CSS, Bright Eyes, the Decemberists) video for "Naked Sun"-- from ToD's so-so 2006 set So Divided (Interscope)-- starts off like a corny public service announcement against border patrol vigilanteism.

Thankfully it soon spins off into even cornier realms, realms that we'll just say involve an approximation of Silly String and a bunch of Cirque du Soleil rejects set loose in the desert. For a band that often seems overly concerned with being taken seriously, it's an odd delight to witness something so ultimately light-hearted from these guys.

As previously reported, Trail of Dead hit the UK tour trail this February.
Posted by Matthew Solarski on Tue, Jan 9, 2007 at 1:50pm