Exclusive MP3: Grizzly Bear: "Knife (Girl Talk Remix)"

Girl Talk sallies forth on tour blitz
Exclusive MP3: Grizzly Bear: "Knife (Girl Talk Remix)"

That boy Gillis is at it again. Following up a fairly lackluster Peter Bjorn and John remix and a bangin' New Year's set, Girl Talk returns to repackage another Pitchfork favorite for the dancefloor, and this time around he actually employs the mash-up skills that made him a hit in the first place. Whether or not it works is for you to decide.

Gillis slices and dices Grizzly Bear's "Knife" (from the much-loved Yellow House LP), buttering it up with what sounds like the opening to Tears for Fears' "Shout", mashing in a liberal portion of Clipse's "Wamp Wamp"-- including Slim Thug's entire chorus and Pusha's verse-- and stabbing in a dash of this and that to color Ed Droste's cryptic queries.

Girl Talk is out there right now, in fact, making the kids move their bodies in indecent fashion across the U.S. Parents: do you know where your hip, young children are right now?

Grizzly Bear, likewise, hit the road soon (as you know), doing for our minds and senses of beauty what Gillis does for our hips and rumps.

And speaking of rump-shakers, CSS recently revealed to NME.com that they're going to have their way with Grizzly Bear's "Knife" as well, covering the song for their own licentious purposes. After talking to the feisty Brazilians and giving the thumbs up, the Grizz also accepted an invitation to return the favor and cover a CSS jam. The Internet: bringing people together who probably don't belong together, because it's funny.

Talk it out:

01-12 San Francisco, CA - The Independent *
01-13 Los Angeles, CA - The Echo *
01-19 Philadelphia, PA - Johnny Brenda's #^
01-20 Cambridge, MA - Middle East #
01-26 Minneapolis, MN - Varsity Theater
01-27 Seattle, WA - Chop Suey
02-02 Cleveland Heights, OH - Grog Shop
02-03 Columbus, OH - Wexner Center %
02-09 Brooklyn, NY - Studio B $
02-14 Las Vegas, NV - Aladdin Theatre ~
02-16 Ann Arbor, MI - Michigan League Underground !
02-17 Nashville, TN - Mercy Lounge +
03-02 Athens, OH - Casa Nueva
03-03 Bloomington, IN - Buskirk-Chumley Theater
03-11 Sunrise, FL - Langerado Music Festival
03-17 Austin, TX - Fanatic Promotion Showcase (SXSW)
03-23 Milwaukee, WI - Stonefly Brewery
03-24 Madison, WI - Union South
03-30 Pittsburgh, PA - Andy Warhol Museum
04-13 Buffalo, NY - Soundlab
05-04 Providence, RI - The Living Room

* with Matt and Kim
# with Dan Deacon
^ with Plastic Little
% with Times New Viking
$ with Parts & Labor, Pterodactyl
~ with Kanye West, Gnarls Barkley, Lupe Fiasco, Spank Rock
! with Wolf Eyes
+ with De Novo Dahl


02-01 Philadelphia, PA - Johnny Brenda's *
02-02 Boston, MA - Museum of Fine Arts *
02-03 Northampton, MA - Iron Horse *
02-04 Montreal, Quebec - Main Hall *
02-05 Ottawa, Ontario - Barrymore's Music Hall *
02-06 Toronto, Ontario - Lee's Palace *
02-08 Ann Arbor, MI - Blind Pig *
02-09 Chicago, IL - Subterranean *
02-10 Minneapolis, MN - 7th St. Entry *#
02-11 Iowa City, IA - The Picador *
02-13 Denver, CO - Larimer Lounge
02-14 Salt Lake City, UT - Kilby Court
02-16 Seattle, WA - Neumos ^
02-17 Vancouver, British Columbia - Plaza Club ^
02-18 Portland, OR - Mission Theatre ^
02-20 San Francisco, CA - Great American Music Hall $^
02-21 Los Angeles, CA - Troubadour $^
02-23 Tucson, AZ - Plush ^
02-24 Marfa, TX - Ballroom Marfa ^
02-26 Norman, OK - Opolis ^
02-27 Dallas, TX - Club Dada ^
02-28 Austin, TX - Emo's Jr. +^
03-01 Baton Rouge, LA - Chelsea's ^
03-02 Atlanta, GA - Drunken Unicorn ~^
03-03 Chapel Hill, NC - Local 506 ^
03-04 Washington, DC - Black Cat %^
03-06 New York, NY - Bowery Ballroom %^
03-07 New York, NY - Bowery Ballroom %^

* with Dirty Projectors
# with Portastatic
^ with Papercuts
$ with Foreign Born
+ with Peter and the Wolf
~ with Deerhunter
% with Beach House

Posted by Matthew Solarski on Fri, Jan 12, 2007 at 6:10pm