
Enon Cancel Dates With Of Montreal

Touch & Go art rockers Enon, in a recent announcement on their MySpace blog, revealed that they were forced to cancel their upcoming tour with Of Montreal "due to a few problems we have." (Thanks to reader Michael Fremus for discovering the blog entry and tipping us off.)

When contacted, Touch & Go said that the band wouldn't elaborate on said "problems". But the MySpace message did mention that the band is working on a new album, and would be touring later this year, which the label confirmed.

Cancelled dates:

01-26 Los Angeles, CA - El Rey
01-27 Los Angeles, CA - Avalon
01-28 Los Angeles, CA - Troubadour
01-30 San Diego, CA - SOMA
01-31 Santa Cruz, CA - Attic
02-01 San Francisco, CA - Bottom of the Hill
02-02 San Francisco, CA - Great American Music Hall
02-03 San Francisco, CA - Great American Music Hall
02-05 Arcata, CA - Kate Buchanan Hall at Humboldt State University
02-06 Portland, OR - Wonder Ballroom
02-07 Vancouver, British Columbia - Richard's on Richards
02-09 Seattle, WA - Showbox
02-10 Eugene, OR - WOW Hall
02-12 Sacramento, CA - Union Ballroom at Sacramento State University
02-14 Tucson, AZ - Rialto

Tue: 04-01-08 Mon: 03-31-08 Fri: 03-28-08 Thu: 03-27-08 Wed: 03-26-08 Tue: 03-25-08 Mon: 03-24-08 Fri: 03-21-08 Thu: 03-20-08 Wed: 03-19-08 Tue: 03-18-08 Mon: 03-17-08 Sat: 03-15-08 Fri: 03-14-08 Thu: 03-13-08 Wed: 03-12-08 Tue: 03-11-08 Mon: 03-10-08 Fri: 03-07-08 Thu: 03-06-08 Wed: 03-05-08 Tue: 03-04-08 Mon: 03-03-08 Sun: 03-02-08