Radiohead Working on Album Again

fancy that
Radiohead Working on Album Again Having returned from what we presume was some kind of holiday reprieve, the band called Radiohead is back in the recording saddle again, according to a post by Thom Yorke today on Dead Air Space, the quintet's often-cryptic blog.

"we have staRTed up again had a good today," wrote Yorke. Our experts in the field of hypertext are also "working on a version of '15Step' [a new song they've been playing live recently] and rebuilding our studio in the wind." We hope this one fares better than the one they built on the moon last year.

And, holy Moses, they're still supporting causes as well. This time Thom urges us to sign this petition against nuclear proliferation, and if you ever want to see another Radiohead album again, you'd damn well better do it.

You can still catch Thom Yorke performing live on Nigel Godrich's downloadable web-programme, "From the Basement". And, as previously reported, Jonny Greenwood will deliver his reggae compilation Jonny Greenwood Is the Controller, on March 6. Finally, it's not too late to enter the Radiohead-sponsored music video contest, held as part of the D&AD Global Student Awards. Get those entries in by March 23, or else, you know, no Radiohead. We're warning you.
Posted by Matthew Solarski on Fri, Jan 19, 2007 at 12:00pm