Rogue Wave's Spurgeon Receives Kidney

Rogue Wave's Spurgeon Receives Kidney

Rogue Wave drummer Pat Spurgeon underwent much-needed kidney transplant surgery on January 12, and according to an update on the band's website, "he is now in the process of resting and recuperating with friends and loved ones and is on the road to a full recovery."

The full text of the announcement is as follows:

"We are very pleased to announce that Pat Spurgeon has finally received a kidney! On Friday January 12th, Pat underwent kidney transplant surgery, and it was a great success. He is now in the process of resting and recuperating with friends and loved ones and is on the road to a full recovery.

Throughout the course of Pat's struggle with kidney failure, there have been so many of you that have been so gracious in showing your love and support for him. To those of you that sent him MySpace messages, emails, and donations, your kind words did not go unread; your concern and hopefulness did not go unnoticed.

Pat was very lucky to receive a kidney, but there are still so many people out there searching.

Remember, you can save someone's life, just by filling out your donor card. Go to to find out how you can make a difference in someone's life.

Here's to a wonderful 2007.

Thank you for your love and continued support,
Rogue Wave
(Zach, Pat, Gram, Evan)"

Posted by Dave Maher on Mon, Jan 29, 2007 at 5:00pm