Casablancas, Reznor, Lanegan on New QOTSA LP

Casablancas, Reznor, Lanegan on New QOTSA LP

Never ones to do things in a conventional matter, Queens of the Stone Age have "unofficially" leaked a bit of information about their new album.

The record is titled Era Vulgaris, is scheduled to come out in June, and is "rumored" to feature guest appearances from the Strokes' Julian Casablancas, Nine Inch Nails' Trent Reznor, Mark Lanegan, and ZZ Top guitarist Billy Gibbons.

The band's MySpace blog cryptically lists "Into the Hollow", "Sick, Sick, Sick", "Misfit Love", and "Battery Acid" as potential song titles.

Footage of the Queens recording in the studio is below, and though it's soundtracked mostly by feedback, there is a short song snippet with a twisted-around "Smells Like Teen Spirit" riff. Perhaps the sign of another Dave Grohl cameo?

Posted by Dave Maher on Fri, Feb 23, 2007 at 6:23pm