Les Savy Fav Want You to Sing Their Jams

Les Savy Fav Want You to Sing Their Jams

Is a Les Savy Fav show really a Les Savy Fav show unless someone accepts Skittles straight from Tim Harrington’s mouth? Methinks not. Mildly uncomfortable audience participation is as much as mainstay of the LSF experience as spiny riffage, barking vocals, or sweat descending into your nether regions.

But on any given night, there's only so many mouths one can feed regurgitated candy to, and those Les Savy freaks are widening their reach with a new approach to fan-fellowship. They'd like it very much if you'd visit their website, learn a few lines from a few new choice cuts ("Nine Teen Ninety Nine", "The World", and "Resent the Rent") and then call 718-228-8954 and sing them into their voicemail.

A chance to go all Idol with Les Savy Fav? Sweet slimy bon-bons!

In other Fav news, looks like the grumblings about scheduling another UK date around their May 19 date at the All Tomorrow's Parties Versus You (The Fans) festival will amount to little more than that, as, according to their website, the idea of booking a gig "sounds like work" and they, therefore, are "gonna just keep it easy."

Too lazy to slate a show and getting ringers for vocal duties? How sinfully slothful!

Posted by Paul Thompson on Fri, Apr 13, 2007 at 4:18pm