Yorke Drops Hints on New Radiohead Album

They say true love waits, but we're too impatient
Yorke Drops Hints on New Radiohead Album 'Tis true: Radiohead could put a phlegmmy napkin on eBay and we'd probably run a story about it. But when their official blog hints that perhaps their latest album is nearing completion, we figure even the less-obsessed amongst you wanna know quick-like; we are, after all, speaking on Radiohead (my generation's Arcade Fire). Following a lengthy post about a British proposal to limit carbon emissions, Thom filled the Dead Air Space with this:

"radiohead starts up again having finally caught up on some sleep next week
i have a cd of what we;'ve been up to...
and you haven't.

i must listen to it, after taking an ear break
that always makes me nervous
hope you're well"

I am, Thom. Thanks for asking. By the way, could you maybe be a little more cryptic next time? KTHX.

One can only assume that a CD of what they've been up to isn't just AM Gold or something, but, rather, demos from the follow-up to 2003's Hail to the Thief. And, although they're starting up again, if they've got songs enough for a CD/an irritatingly brief snippet, they must be getting close to completion. Right?

Posted by Paul Thompson on Mon, Apr 23, 2007 at 4:00pm