No Age Tour, Unveil Weirdo Rippers

No Age Tour, Unveil Weirdo Rippers That No Age, they're going places! From an unsolicited shout-out from Deerhunter dress-donner Bradford Cox to a recent distribution deal from FatCat Records to some well-received SXSW gigs, ex-Wives Randy Randall and Dean Spunt are sitting awful pretty. And things are only getting sweeter: their debut full-length Weirdo Rippers hits Europe and such June 11 and North American August 28 from FatCat.

No Age'll venture out on a European tour this summer with fellow L.A. punkers Mika Miko; dates for the tour are still firming up, but Californians will get a few cracks at No Age over the next month.

Weirdo Rippers:

01 Every Artist Needs a Tragedy
02 Boy Void
03 I Wanna Sleep
04 My Life's Alright Without You
05 Everybody's Down
06 Sun Spots
07 Loosen This Job
08 Neck Escaper
09 Dead Plane
10 Semi-Sorted
11 Escarpment

What's my age again?:

05-05 San Diego, CA - Beauty Bar
05-06 Los Angeles, CA - The Smell
05-19 Los Angeles, CA - The Smell
06-01 Los Angeles, CA - The Echo *#
06-22 London, England - TBA #
07-09 Amsterdam, Netherlands - OCCII #
07-10 Berlin, Germany - West Germany #
07-11 Nurnberg, Germany - K4 #
07-12 Vienna, Austria - Chelsea #
07-14 Milan, Italy - Magnolia #
07-16 Munich, Germany - Kafe Kult #
07-20 Brussels, Belgium - Recycleheart Fest #
07-21 Bonn, Germany - Kult 41 #

* with Matt & Kim
# with Mika Miko

Posted by Paul Thompson on Fri, May 4, 2007 at 4:00pm