
Georgie James Sign to Saddle Creek, Tour a Bit

Saddle Creek is named after a road, Dischord's named after a pun, and bridging the gap between them is Georgie James, named after we're not quite sure what/whom. The core DC duo of John Davis (ex-Q and Not U) and Laura Burhenn has signed to the storied Omaha imprint, bent on countering the frenetic angst of Cursive and the earnest soul-searching of Bright Eyes with some buoyant, jangling pop goodness.

Georgie James hope to have their debut LP, Places, out this fall, with tours here and overseas to follow. For the moment, the pair celebrates the signing with a brief East Coast run that has them trading chords and crossing cables with Ted Leo, Mary Timony, and Beauty Pill, among others.

Thanks to reader Gabriel Fry for the tip!

For a taste of G. James, check out the "Need Your Needs" single, released earlier this year via Burhenn's Dischord-allied Laboratory Records, or the twosome's kid-friendly contribution to DeSoto's Play compilation.

Georgie jams:

05-26 Washington, DC - St. Stephen's Church (Books for America/OneDC benefit) *
06-14 New York, NY - Mercury Lounge #^
06-15 Wilmington, DE - Mojo 3 ^
06-16 Philadelphia, PA - Johnny Brenda's #^%
08-11 Towson, MD - Recher Theatre $

* with Beauty Pill, the Epochs
# with Mary Timony Band
^ with Welcome
% with Bitter Bitter Weeks
$ with Ted Leo and the Pharmacists, Birds of Avalon

Thu: 04-03-08 Wed: 04-02-08 Tue: 04-01-08 Mon: 03-31-08 Fri: 03-28-08 Thu: 03-27-08 Wed: 03-26-08 Tue: 03-25-08 Mon: 03-24-08 Fri: 03-21-08 Thu: 03-20-08 Wed: 03-19-08 Tue: 03-18-08 Mon: 03-17-08 Sat: 03-15-08 Fri: 03-14-08 Thu: 03-13-08 Wed: 03-12-08 Tue: 03-11-08 Mon: 03-10-08 Fri: 03-07-08 Thu: 03-06-08 Wed: 03-05-08