Bob Pollard Singles Series Details Revealed

Bob Pollard Singles Series Details Revealed As long as the Stop'n'Shop on his corner keeps the Miller tallboys cool and the Maxell tapes shrinkwrapped, former Guided by Voices front-dude Robert Pollard is going to keep cranking out the scuzzy pop-rock. You can balk at his prodigious output or make a dig about diminishing returns if you must, but would you stop a rainbow from showing its pretty colors, or a teeny baby from making teeny baby faces? Thought not. The world needs more rock, and Bob Pollard has so much rock to give.

The Happy Jack Records Singles Club we mentioned in our last story about Bobby putting out too damn many records has come to fruition, having kicked off June 22 with seven inches of wax dubbed "Rud Fins". It's available only through Bob's website; he plans to drop a new single on the 22nd day of each of month for the next twelve, in editions of 1,000 apiece. Every A-side will appear on one of Pollard's upcoming releases, Standard Gargoyle Decisions and Coast to Coast Carpet of Love, due in full October 9 from Merge.

You can get your club singles in a few different ways; naturally, there's a standard subscription to last the year through, but commitment-phobes can pick up each disc individually, or try out the first three discs of the series and see what you think. If the idea of owning something called "Piss Along You Bird" doesn't grab you, you might want to move along. Otherwise, you know what to do.

Singles a-go-go:

June 22:

A: Rud Fins
B: Piss Along You Bird

July 22:

A: Spider Eyes
B: Battle for Mankind

August 22:

A: Current Desperation (Angels Speak of Nothing)
B: Met Her at a Séance

September 22:

A: Pill Gone Girl
B: Coast to Coast Carpet of Love

October 22:

A: Shadow Port
B: Be in the Wild Place

November 22:

A: Count Us In
B: Sixland (John Shough version)

December 22:

A: Dumb Lady
B: Street Veocity

January 22:

A: Youth Leagues
B: Spirit of the Fly

February 22:

A: Folded Claws
B: Speak Again

March 22:

A: When We Were Slaves
B: Battle for Mankind 2

April 22:

A: The Killers
B: Revolver Tricks (Stanley West)

May 22:

A: Miles Under the Skin
B: Frostman (Long Version)
Posted by Paul Thompson on Thu, Jun 28, 2007 at 2:30pm