Times New Viking Plunder U.S., Mexico on Tour

Times New Viking Plunder U.S., Mexico on Tour Columbus, OH's catchiest caterwauling combo Times New Viking will serve up their hot fuzz to all those willing to stand in its path on a tour kicking off tomorrow night (July 13) in Cleveland Heights. Audiences from Missoula to Mexico will get a chance to peel away the skronky layers of the recent Matador signees' plunderphonic latest release Presents the Paisley Reich, as well as congregate with a bunch of other folks as into fonts as they are.

Times New Viking:

07-13 Cleveland Heights, OH - Grog Shop
07-27 Chicago, IL - Flipside
07-28 Minneapolis, MN - Turf Club
07-31 Missoula, MT - The Palace
08-02 Vancouver, British Columbia - Pub 340
08-03 Seattle, WA - SS Marie Antoinette
08-04 Portland, OR - Eagles Lodge
08-05 Sacramento, CA - Fool's Foundation
08-06 Chico, CA - Off Limits
08-07 San Francisco, CA - Hemlock Tavern
08-08 Oakland, CA - Stork Club
08-11 Los Angeles, CA - The Smell
08-14 Austin, TX - Beerland
08-15 Houston, TX - Diverseworks Art Space
08-17 Monterrey, Mexico - Tocada
08-18 Tamaulipas, Mexico - Taladro Fest
Posted by Paul Thompson on Thu, Jul 12, 2007 at 2:20pm