Nirvana to Soundtrack Episode of "Cold Case"

I miss the comfort of "Major Dad"
Nirvana to Soundtrack Episode of "Cold Case"

"The Simpsons" and "The Office" aside, we don't really pay much attention to network TV around here. But an eyebrow or three was raised when we read on the LA Times website (via Idolator) that CBS crime drama "Cold Case"-- which, we gather, has something to do with revisiting unsolved murders in Philadelphia-- will play nothing but Nirvana music in the background of an upcoming episode.

The show incorporates scenes from when the cases were warm into its narrative, so we're guessing the crime took place in the early 90s and whomever gets whacked was a big grunge fan. Still, it's quite a pull for CBS, and quite a strange addition to the Cobain legacy.

Nirvana's been popping up in random spots a lot lately: lunchboxes, video games, next to Ne-Yo in your ten year old brother's iPod. But for CBS, who seem to have settled into a nice little rut as the network of choice for rote crime dramas and laugh-track assisted family sitcoms for years now, getting an episode's worth of Nirvana-- despite the decade-and-a-half since the band's untimely end-- seems practically revolutionary. The L.A. Times asks, "Will CBS finally shed its stodginess?" Maybe next season they'll get Candlebox on "Ghost Whisperer"!

In other Nirvana news, the Cobian doc About a Son and accompanying soundtrack are coming this fall, around the time Dave Grohl's Foo Fighters put out their next record. And Courtney Love is apparently putting out an album soon, if all of these horrifying photos from her recent NYC performance that people keep forwarding to us are any indication.

Posted by Paul Thompson on Thu, Jul 19, 2007 at 10:42am