Grizzly Bear Extend Tour

Grizzly Bear Extend Tour Photo by Jana Green

Touring bands, you could learn a lot from Grizzly Bear. Every couple weeks, they duck out, play a few gigs, hypnotize a few minds with their lilting harmonies, and then head home to Brooklyn to pay the bills and water the lilies. Then they do it all over again. Some groups head out for seasons; Grizzly Bear only leave the house long enough to fill up the TiVo. And still, there's at least a 60% chance you've seen them since Yellow House dropped late last summer. We call that a winning formula.

When they're not getting their neighbor to feed the cats, the collective Grizz is supporting worthy causes, making their own music out of someone else's words, or-- in the case of Chris Taylor-- helping Dave Longstreth find the Fela hidden in Black Flag. When they're gone, however, they'll be at the places after the jump.

08-26 New York, NY - Beacon Theatre (826NYC benefit) *$
08-29 Brooklyn, NY - McCarren Park Pool *!
09-06 Seattle, WA - Neumos #
09-07 Portland, OR - Doug Fir Lounge (Musicfest NW) ^
09-18 Northampton, MA - Pearl Street
09-19 Buffalo, NY - Tralf Music Hall
09-20 Toronto, Ontario - The Mod Club
09-21 London, Ontario - Lola Festival
09-22 Ottawa, Ontario - Christ Church Cathedral
09-23 Burlington, VT - Higher Ground
10-05 Montreal, Quebec - Pop Montreal
10-08 Grand Rapids, MI - Ladies Literary Club
10-09 Milwaukee, WI - Pabst Theater
10-10 Chicago, IL - Park West
10-11 Columbus, OH - Wexner Center at Ohio State
10-12 Pittsburgh, PA - Andy Warhol Museum
10-13 Baltimore, MD - 2640 Space at St. John's Church
10-14 Philadelphia, PA - First Unitarian Church Sanctuary

* with Feist
$ with Carl Newman, Jim James
! with Kevin Drew
# with Deerhunter
^ with Eric Bachmann, AU, Tiny Vipers
Posted by Paul Thompson on Fri, Aug 3, 2007 at 12:05pm