Dan Deacon Coughs Up Gunk, Cancels Tonight's Gig

Dan Deacon Coughs Up Gunk, Cancels Tonight's Gig

Photo by Jason Bergman

Be warned: What follows is a lot more than you ever cared to know about Dan Deacon's insides:


im way to sick to play the show tonight. im coughing up weird chunks of yellow+blood. its really hard to speak, let alone sing. im really sorry. i promise i'll be back super soon.


And smack dab in the middle of prime post-lunch digestion time, too! As the MySpace bulletin quoted above indicates, it seems our boy Deacon ran afoul of the old autumn nasty, causing him to miss out on tonight's gig with Girl Talk and White Williams.

One thing's for sure: no more eating hot dogs out of Gregg Gillis' butt. WAIT DAN WHAT ARE YOU DOING NOOOOOO

Dan Deacon:

09-20 Charlottesville, VA - Satellite Ballroom
09-21 Asheville, NC - Orange Peel *#
09-22 Atlanta, GA - MJQ Concourse *#
09-23 Hattiesburg, MS - Thirsty Hippo #
09-24 Houston, TX - Walter's on Washington #
09-25 Austin, TX - The Mohawk #
09-27 San Diego, CA - Epicentre *#
09-28 Los Angeles, CA - Echoplex *# (two shows)
09-29 San Francisco, CA - The Fillmore Auditorium *#
10-01 Berkeley, CA - Lower Sproul Plaza *
10-02 Chicago, IL - Logan Square Auditorium &
10-04 Oberlin, OH - Dionysus Disco
10-05 Minneapolis, MN - First Avenue *@
10-06 Iowa City, IA - The Picador *#
10-11 St. Louis, MO - The Billiken Club
10-12 Grinnell, IA - Gardner Lounge (Grinnell College)!
10-17 New York, NY - Bowery Ballroom (Windish Agency CMJ showcase) $
10-19 Bennington, VT - Bennington College Student Center
10-20 Alfred, NY - Knight Club (Alfred University)

* with Girl Talk
# with White Williams
^ with Simian Mobile Disco
& with Matt & Kim
@ with Tay Zonday
! with These Are Powers
$ with Deerhunter, No Age

Posted by Paul Thompson on Thu, Sep 20, 2007 at 2:32pm