Radiohead Post Encrypted Messages on Website

Radiohead Post Encrypted Messages on Website

Gosh, those Radiohead fellas don't make it easy, huh? Following that very brief, since-deleted clip of a tune from their recently wrapped LP7 and photos of Colin and Nigel drumming up support among the youth, they've thrown another wrench in the fire with a mysterious-- but oh so darling-- series of codes on their website.

Though Pitchfork's crack cryptographic team is still too busy deciphering the menu at the local coffee shop at this early hour, the gumshoes at's message board-- who are always good for this sort of thing-- have knocked out the code already. An early post reportedly translates to "YES WE ARE STILL ALIVE," while at least one subsequent post seems to have something to do with the lyrics to "Bodysnatchers", a new song.

The most recent, posted today, seems to employ a slightly different code, but thanks to the atease crew, it has been translated as "A FLATLINE WE ARE IN A MEETING." Sounds like some experimental prog-rock band's got a case of the Mondays! Or maybe the free agents are in a meeting with Flatline Records?

That's about it, really. No release date, no tour, no MP3. But, hey, it's Radiohead. This mass confusion stuff is what they do best. Oh yeah, and make records. At least, that's my recollection.

In other Radiohead news, Jonny Greenwood's done his thing to the upcoming Paul Thomas Anderson flick. Score!

Posted by Paul Thompson on Mon, Sep 24, 2007 at 10:31am