Sex Tape "Definitely Not" Meg White

Sex Tape "Definitely Not" Meg White As you might have read on other websites, over the weekend, a video surfaced on the internet featuring a woman having sex. SHOCKA! This woman happened to have black hair and look a tad like White Stripes drummer Meg White. Lucky for her-- Meg is a very beautiful woman.

However, the woman in the video is not Meg White.

Hear that? IT'S NOT MEG WHITE.

Here's a statement from the White Stripes' publicist: "Some people have a very twisted sense of humor and this prank is in particularly bad taste. The tape circulating on the internet as featuring Meg White is fake. It’s definitely not Meg."

Get on with your lives, people.
Posted by Amy Phillips on Mon, Sep 24, 2007 at 12:52pm